A Gift From Khalid: Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Dragons Loyalty AwardWow, another award! I don’t think I deserve all these, but hey, I’m not going to argue.  This award comes from Khalid over at The Blazing Reel.  Khalid offers many different features on his site so I highly recommend you go check it out.  The rules are as follows:

  • Display the award on your blog
  • Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who awarded you
  • Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award
  • Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded
  • Write seven interesting things about you

Khalid, you and I have only recently started following each other, but thank you for the nomination!

I’m going to do something slightly different but I will explain in just a moment. I had trouble coming up with facts about myself I haven’t used in my other awards, so this took me time to think of some new stuff. I managed to think of a few things, so here are seven facts about myself:

  • I am a web developer. I’ve been web programming for about five years and I’ve been a programmer for about eight years. I enjoy (almost) every minute of it.
  • I can’t write English cursive.  It’s not that I don’t know how, it’s just that when I do, I switch to writing Russian cursive. In high school, I only wrote cursive in my Russian language class. So after a few words I switch languages. I still write English words, just with the Russian letter equivalent (so “p” becomes “п”, “d” becomes “д”, etc.). It’s not as bad now but I have to concentrate more on what I’m writing.
  • I don’t mind when things are messy but I don’t like it when things are dirty.
  • I recently bought a new fish tank.  I upgraded from a 20-gallon aquarium I’ve had for almost 15 years to a 75-gallon aquarium.
  • I learned how do drive a manual transmission car only just recently. I wanted to learn so when I bought my car several months ago, I bought a stick shift so I would be forced to learn and keep up with it.
  • I have come to the conclusion that no one has a cute yawn.  You may have a cute sneeze or cute laugh or cute something else, but you do not have a cute yawn. I’m sorry, you just don’t.
  • I describe myself as an extroverted introvert.  I thought I created that term but then I heard other people say it and realized I’m not that special. What I mean by “extroverted introvert” is that I am an introvert but I have some extroverted tendencies.  If someone is really interested, I can talk about it in the comments, but I’d be here for a while if I started listing all the nuances. I’ve also seen the term “outgoing introvert” to describe this type of behavior.

Now, as for that “something different” I mentioned, I’m not going to nominate anyone. Whenever I see the Dragon’s Loyalty Award passed around, I think of it as a recognition to loyal followers of that blog. So going with that thought process, instead of nominating 15 bloggers, I’m going to list 15 20 bloggers who I would consider loyal followers. These aren’t loyal followers like a cult… maybe… (PS, I made some Kool-Aid for you guys)… but I constantly see their presence on this blog. I wouldn’t have kept up with this blog for nearly two years if people weren’t reading.  This is a giant thank you to everyone listed here:

If you feel left out, I am truly sorry. My initial list was waaaaay longer and I had a very hard time narrowing it down to 15, so that’s why I have included an extra five. But really, a HUGE Thank You to those of you (both listed and not listed) who continually come back to Drew’s Movie Reviews week after week. I wouldn’t be here without you! 😀

Thanks again to Khalid for the nomination.


23 thoughts on “A Gift From Khalid: Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. Man, I don’t feel like I deserve to be on that list! I’ve only been a follower for, what, a month? But thanks, regardless! Is that a nomination? Because I thought it wasn’t, but the person above me in the comments said it was, and I’m kind of confused.


    • Thanks, Darren. Just to be clear, I am more recognizing you for constantly stopping by than passing along the award. So like a sudo nomination. But if you want to do a write up like it was a nomination, that’s fine by me!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Drew!

    Wait, you speak Russian? WAY TOO COOL!!

    I agree with the extroverted introvert… I am horribly bad connecting with new people but if I’m comfortable, I rarely shut up!


    • You’re welcome, Natasha!

      Sort of… Knowing and remembering how to speak it are two different things. I know a lot of the basics but I don’t remember much beyond that anymore. I want to relearn and expand on what I do know sometime. If I can become at least semi-fluent in the language again, I’d be happy.

      YES! That’s me. I see someone and I’m like “I want to talk to you but I don’t know what to say” and I am terrible at small talk. But If you’re my friend, I can talk and talk without end (a trait I say comes from my mom’s side). I often get asked “What’s wrong?” and “Why are you so quiet?” and have to explain it to them.


  3. thanks for the recognition Drew!

    As stated above, if ur stuff wasnt so cool, we wouldnt be stopping by, so basically, we’re all here because of u!



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