Ultimate 80s Blogathon

Hey there, dear readers! I have something very exciting to announce. The wonderful, the talented, the does-everything Kim from Tranquil Dreams and I are teaming up to host the Ultimate 80s Blogathon! The premise is fairly simple: When you think of films from the 1980s, what is the first film that pops into your head? What do you consider to be the ultimate 80s movie?  We all have our favorites, whether it is a comedy like Ghostbusters or Caddyshack, an action movie like Rambo or The Terminator, a horror like The Shining or Nightmare on Elm Street, an animation like The Little Mermaid or Akira, or any other of the countless classics.  There are so many great films and we want to hear want YOU have to say.

But let’s leave this in the 80s…

If you are interested in participating, tell us in a comment down below or email Kim, kim.tranquildreams@gmail.com, or me, drewt510@gmail.com.  Then email us your submission once you are finished. Boom! Easy, peasy. Submissions are due before Monday, February 8. Then Kim and I will kick off the blogathon on February 15.  If you leave a comment below, keep your choice a secret. We want to be just as surprised as our readers by which film is your Ultimate 80s movie.  Feel free to use one of the banners below to show everyone how rad you are (click to view full size).


Spread the word! If there is someone you think would like to participate, please feel free to invite them to join. We can’t wait to read everyone’s submissions! 🙂


Back to the Future Ult 80s banner Footloose Ult 80s banner Ghostbusters Ult 80s banner The Little Mermaid Ult 80s banner Rambo Ult 80s banner The Shining Ult 80s banner Sixteen Candles Ult 80s banner Terminator Ult 80 banner

78 thoughts on “Ultimate 80s Blogathon

    • HI! The rules of a blogathon can vary depending on the host(s). Some blogathans have you post on your own site whereas others require you to submit an article to the host(s). The rules for this blogathon are the latter. You choose a film from the 1980s that you consider to be the ultimate 80s movie, write a review for it and email it to us before February 8th. Then beginning February 15th, Kim and I will post the reviews on our sites. There are several banners that you can place on your site, if you want, to show others you participated in the blogathon.

      If you are interested, all we need is to know that you will be participating. We don’t want to know your selection until we receive the email with your review. Would you like to participate?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Fantastic! Thanks for joining, Elena. 🙂 If two people review the same movie then we will have two different reviews posted during the blogathon. We are allowing multiple reviews of the same movie because several people might think that film fulfills the criteria of the ultimate 80s movie.


  1. Pingback: Pretty in Pink (1986) – Ultimate 80s Blogathon | Serendipitous Anachronisms

  2. Pingback: Splash | wolffian classics movies digest

  3. Pingback: Rewatching Pretty in Pink | Michelle, Books and Movies Addict

  4. Ah! I’m so disappointed I missed this one but I’ll keep an eye out for future ones. The 80s were so cool and so…so…well…80s. You should watch “BMX Bandits” with a 16/17 year old Nicole Kidman. Oh man, so, so 80s! Happy blogging and I’ll be back to check them all out. Can’t wait!


    • I’m glad you are so excited! Too bad you didn’t get in this time but I hope you can join in for the next blogathon. The entries have been pretty diverse and interesting. I don’t think you are going to be disappointed. The 80s were a unique decade for movies. I haven’t heard of BMX Bandits, I’ll look into it. Thanks for the recommendation. 🙂


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