My Fave Five Feel Good Films (Featuring Life of this City Girl)

Everybody likes to feel happy. There is nothing better than feeling good about yourself and the things around you.  We can all find happiness in the things around us, it truly is the little things in life.  That is the idea behind the 100 Happy Days challenge, to find something each and everyday to be appreciative for and that makes you happy.  Recently, Natasha, the lady behind Life of this City Girl, completed the challenge herself.  Her success and the success of many other made me think about things that made me happy.  One of those things for me, obviously, are movies.  In particular, there are those movie that can’t help but make you feel good after you are done. Whether that is because the hero saved the day, or the main character got the boy/girl they had a crush on, or one of the million other reasons. Another thing that makes me happy is talking and working with my fellow bloggers.  So I invited Natasha over to share five films that give her a smile every time she watches them. Here are Natasha and my five favorite feel good films. Take it away, Natasha!

Drew checked in with me about a possible collaboration post, and eventually came forth with movies that makes us all feel good. He has this feature, and I have my Five Things Friday, so birds of a feather, eh, Drew? Hehe.

Anyway, it is pretty tricky to narrow it down to only five films, but I eventually chose these below. I just realized that most are all really, really girly films, but I love them, will watch them repeatedly and makes me laugh without fail.

5) Mean Girls

Brilliantly penned by Tina Fey, this is a social commentary film on the dramas of high school life. I think everyone is quite familiar with Cady Heron, her “African” background, and her struggles to fit in with the all American teenage environment she is thrust into. Best line ever in this film:


4) Wild Child

wild child

The least well known of this list, but Wild Child makes me so stupidly cheerful. I had this little fantasy of boarding school as a kid, how much fun it would be, the crazy things we could do (all fueled by Harry Potter and a local book series I used to devour), so this film spoke directly to all those suppressed dreams. Emma Roberts is the epitome of the American brat, her English school mates are so very English, and the heartthrob of Alex Pettyfer in this is through the roof. All the adventures, naughtiness and emotional battles keeps me entertained on the most basic of popcorn levels, and I thoroughly recommend a watch if you haven’t yet!

3) Crazy Stupid Love

crazy stupid love

Ahh this film! It is the second film on this list with Emma Stone in, and as usual, she’s hilariously funny and relatable and enviably pretty. Then there is the ever entertaining and gorgeous Ryan Gosling, who manages to be hilarious and attractive and so damn cute. This is one of Steve Carrell’s favorite pieces of work – I love when he is more than those silly little comedies that gets made so often. It’s a funny film, with great one liners and casual advice on life on love. I’ve probably watched this one ten times already.

2) The Avengers


MCU is my favorite powerhouse at the moment. They are thrilling, full of adventures, they produce their movies well and they are just getting better – proven by more intricate plots as they continue into their third phase. I particularly enjoyed The Avengers because it was the first time all the characters came together on screen. It is also typically Marvel with sarcasm and humor in between the drama.

1) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


This movie is the besssst. It is my favorite in one of my favorite franchises ever. It is perfectly done, the characters are so well cast I can’t imagine them as any other character, the movies are actually quite loyal to the books. And that fight scene at Gondor. And the Ride of the Rohirrim. And Aragorn taking his rightful place. And and and and EVERYTHING. I can’t help it when I watch this film to cheer and yell and be really very happy when the Hobbitses and everyone end up so damn happy!

Thanks Drew! This list could have gone on for days and days, and it was quite tough narrowing it down to only five.

And what a great bird to be. 😛 Thanks for sharing, Natasha. Now, for my fave five feel good films. Some of my honorable mentions are The Avengers, School of RockDodgeball: A True Underdog Story, The Incredibles and The Blues Brothers.

Legally Blonde movie poster5) Legally Blonde

Some movies have a character that is just so positive and upbeat that their attitude is infectious.  Elle Woods is one of those characters. Throughout her entire journey to become a lawyer, she never lets anyone bring her down. No matter what challenge comes her way, she is always positive and overcomes it.  I can’t help but get a smile on my face whenever Elle stands up confidently against those trying to bring her down.  I can feel her optimism and I always finish the movie in a better mood.

Enchanted movie poster4) Enchanted

Like Elle, Giselle is a positive person. She is thrust from her animated home of Andalasia into real-world Manhattan. In her quest to return home, she runs into Robert, who makes her question her new marriage with Prince Edward.  Manhattan is very different from Andalasia but she doesn’t let the culture shock stop her.  Giselle is always singing a song and looking at the positives of her situation, even when things look bleak.  In the end, she ends up with her true love. And they lived happily ever after, as they say.

Accepted movie poster3) Accepted

Let’s face it, university life can be hard. You know what takes away some of the pressure? Starting your own college with your own curriculum.  That is exactly what Bartleby “B” Gaines and his friends do.  It seems that B can talk his way out of any situation, which is a skill he will need when the neighboring university tries to get his school shut down.  B, played by the wonderfully awkward Justin Long, is one of those characters that you want to see succeed.  He and is band of misfits have a real relationship. To see them have each others back and support each other through thick and thin always makes me feel good through the end.

The Princess Diaries movie poster2) The Princess Diaries

Where the previous movies are on this list because of the characters, The Princess Diaries make the list because of the message. Although Anne Hathaway is an absolute darling as Mia, it’s more about her journey.  Nobody is perfect and it is these imperfections that make us unique and special.  Many thought awkward and clumsy Mia wasn’t fit to become the next queen of Genovia, and she began to believe it herself. But with the help of her Grandma, the current queen, she finds her confidence and accepts her place as the heir to the throne.  Mia’s journey is a heartwarming one and that’s exactly what happens whenever I watch this film.

Tommy Boy movie poster1) Tommy Boy

Ah, Tommy Boy. Just thinking about this movie makes me smile.  Tommy Callahan takes a road trip to save his family business after his father passes away unexpectedly.  He isn’t exactly what you call “book smart” but he tries his hardest, despite what others think of him.  Throw in his father’s assistant into the mix and you have one goofy pair. Chris Farley and David Spade work magic together, making me laugh with every scene. You wouldn’t expect a pair like Tommy and Richard to do well but together they manage to pull it off and save the company, along with hundreds of jobs in the process.  How can that not make you feel good?

Thank you so much Natasha for sharing your go-to feel good films. You can check out all of Natasha’s views and favorites on her site at Life of this City Girl.

The Christmas in July 2016 blogathon is starting in a few weeks. For more information, check out this post.

What are some of your feel good films?