Movie Quote of the Week – 12/14/18

Answer to MWL 12/12/18: ELFS Leader (Kenny Vadas) – The Santa Clause

ELFS Leader: We’re looking for Santa Claus.
Officer: Go home kids. Visiting hours are over.
ELFS Leader: We’re not kids and we’re not visiting.
Charlie: We’re here to bust out my dad.
Officer: You’re the Calvin boy. W-Who are these other kids?
ELFS Leader: We’re your worst nightmare. Elves with attitude.

Thanks for everyone’s submissions and one roll of tinsel to the following people for answering correctly:


My Fave Five Christmas Movies

It’s that time of year again.  Snow is falling, bright lights decorate houses on every street, the Salvation Army bell ringers are outside every grocery store you can see, and TBS is having a 24-hour A Christmas Story marathon.  Yes, it’s the holiday season.  While you and your family are gathered by the fireplace sipping eggnog, sitting at the table playing a game of cards, or whatever your holiday traditions may be, chances are you do so with a Christmas movie playing.  Everyone has something different they like about the holiday season and there are plenty of movies to reflect that.  Here are my five favorite Christmas movies.

Honorable Mentions) Die Hard & Lethal WeaponLethal Weapon movie poster Die Hard movie poster

I have included Die Hard and Lethal Weapon on this list because they aren’t what could be considered “traditional” Christmas movies.  They take place during Christmas (the lowest requirement for a Christmas film) but that’s about the only relation to Christmas they have.  However, they are both great movies.  And on top of that, they both produced catch phrases that would last throughout both franchises.  They may not be the most traditional of Christmas films, but they are Christmas films nonetheless.

Elf movie poster5) Elf

Will Ferrell’s humor is hit or miss with audiences (based on people I’ve talked to at least).  But in Elf, he hits the mark.  Even those who I know aren’t Ferrell fans enjoy this movie.  The innocent and good natured Buddy the Elf resonates with everyone.  It’s always entertaining to see someone like Buddy who comes from a small town experience New York City for the first time.  There’s something about that fish-out-of-water element in the Big Apple that is so humorous.

4) The Polar ExpressThe Polar Express movie poster

When I was but a wee lad, I enjoyed the book The Polar Express.  Then it was brought onto the big screen, and the sense of wonderment only grew.  It can be difficult to adapt a children’s book into a movie, but The Polar Express shows how to do it correctly, and with style.  The animation uses contrasts efficiently and before Frozen, this was the pinnacle of snow animation, creating a gorgeously unique style that still looks amazing ten years later.

Christmas Vacation movie poster3) Christmas Vacation

Oh Christmas Vacation, how I love you.  I believe this was the first movie from National Lampoon’s Vacation series that I saw, and it is probably the best of the series.  Clark Griswald is once again played by the amazing Chevy Chase, whose comedic timing is spot-on in this film.  Even the supporting cast each get their moments.  But what I would have to say is my favorite part about Christmas Vacation is how it takes traditional holiday events that we loath (or like), such as in-laws staying for a few days or decorating the house with lights, and takes them to the extreme.  Sometimes real-life events make for the most touching.

2) A Christmas StoryA Christmas Story movie poster

This is the Christmas movies of all Christmas movies, or at least TBS thinks so since they play it for 24-hours.  But I would have to agree.  Every kid can relate to Ralphie, the young version played by Peter Billingsley, looking for that on awesome gift under the tree on Christmas morning.  The narration from an older Ralphie, voiced by Jean Shepard, is the perfect compliment to what is going on in the story.  Ralphie’s parents and friends, Ralphie’s daydreams, everything is skewed to fit a child’s perspective and it creates one of the best Christmas films out there.

The Santa Claus movie poster1) The Santa Clause

The Santa Clause was THE Christmas movie of my childhood.  This is the film I do not go without watching every year.  This was one of Tim Allen’s first movies since he started on Home Improvement and he carried much of Tim Taylor into this movie.  I think what appeals to me most is that Scott Calvin, Allen’s character, didn’t want to be Santa Claus, he was selfish and didn’t want the responsibility.  There is a big difference in his attitude between his first and second outings as Santa.  And I couldn’t forget all the cool elf gadgets.  Tinsel, jet packs, the sleigh’s CD dispenser.  Everything is just cool.  The cute little touches, like the Rose Sucha Clatter ladder company, just add to the experience.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Christmas in July Blogathon: The Santa Clause

Here we are at the end of my Christmas in July celebration / blogathon. So far we’ve heard about It’s a Wonderful Life from Rob, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation from Natalie. Now it’s my turn, the hostess with the mostest. Let’s get started!

The Santa Clause movie posterSynopsis
Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) is a toy salesman going through a divorce and is trying to stay close to his son, Charlie (Eric Lloyd). When Santa Claus falls off Scott’s roof, he puts on Santa’s suit, reluctantly becoming the new Santa Claus.

Every Christmas holiday season, there are a few movies I make sure I watch. The Santa Clause is one of them. I am a fan of Tim Allen, but was especially so in the 90s, he was in Home Improvement, one of my favorite shows at the time, and he would eventually voice Buzz Lightyear in my one of my personal favorites, Toy Story, just a few years later. So it seems natural I would be drawn to this film. He brings the same sense of humor he gave Tim Taylor (his character in Home Improvement) to give Scott Calvin heart, creating somebody who is easily relatable. His journey from reluctant Santa to joy-bringing Santa is sure to warm anyone’s heart. The supporting cast is pretty good, too. David Krumholtz stands out in particular as the sarcastic head elf, Bernard. I also like how different aspects about Santa Claus were visualized, such as the way the bag of toys always refills itself or how Santa enters houses without a chimney. The Santa Clause is the perfect Christmas movie that does exactly what it should do: tell a feel-good story around the meaning of the holiday season.



Cast & Crew
John Pasquin – Director
Leo Benvenuti – Writer
Steve Rudnick – Writer
Michael Convertino – Composer

Tim Allen – Scott Calvin
Judge Reinhold – Dr. Neil Miller
Wendy Crewson – Laura Calvin-Miller
Eric Lloyd – Charlie Calvin
David Krumholtz – Bernard the Elf
Peter Boyle – Mr. Whittle
Judith Scott – Susan Perry
Paige Tamada – Judy the Elf
Larry Brandenburg – Detective Nunzio
Mary Gross – Miss Daniels

And with that, today’s Christmas in July festivities are concluded.  Thank you to Rob and Natalie for participating.  Have you been wondering where I have been lately?  I’ll have an announcement on what I have been up the the last few weeks soon.